Working, travelling and living in Africa
Africa is different to other continents. The history tells stories of race
discrimination and genocides which haven´t yet been overcome; wars, of
which very few news media report on because either they are economically
trivial or they don´t match to Western lifestyle nor to their self
fulfilling ideology… Africa´s history is also characterised by
colonialism, but no one seems to reflect on its origin and justification.
Poverty and crime became taken for granted, even though Africa is one of
the World’s richest continents in terms of prosperity, natural resources
and biodiversity.
But Africa is on the move:
Metropolis’ were built, universities founded, international concern
established sub-offices and investment funds benefited from politically
moderated African countries. Travel guides promote the breathtaking
landscape, there exists an incredible diversity of species with which
tourists from all over the world are able to experience the “African
Adventure” through safaris. But Africa is much, much more than this. It´s
about the people you meet. Africans love their life. Due to a myriad of
political injustices, which impacted on various demographic groups, people
have learned to forgive, to enjoy the moment and to look forward. Through
decades of submission, an internal pride has risen. A pride that is hard
for Western people to relive.